
Questions For Kids
03 Dec 2020 admin

Questions For Kids

Our children play a massive role in our lives; hence, it is no surprise that some people are looking for new ways to bond with them. However, it’s usually your kids that tend to bombard you with various questions. This bonding method is due to a need for social interaction, especially as a positive relationship helps them grow beyond their limits. Likewise, you can bombard them with some questions to test their wits and help their curiosity expand.


There are several categories of questions worth asking your children, which include:


  • Would You Rather?
  • Trivia
  • Never Have I Ever
  • Get to Know
  • True or False
  • Ice Breaker
  • Truth or Dare


Naturally, you can also choose to ask more personal questions. However, these categories act as a solid baseline that can help further establish your bond with your children. You might even end up learning something you wouldn’t have ever expected! The simplicity of asking a single question can be done while participating in other activities, such as:


  • Walking
  • Gaming
  • Fitness & Exercise
  • Camping
  • Watching Commercial Breaks/Ads


You can also opt to ask these questions while doing other activities; the possibilities are endless!


Would You Rather Questions For Kids


A “Would You Rather” question is a type of statement that asks somebody else if they would rather go with option A or option B. You can even add in more options in some instances, although two choices are often enough for your children to ponder about. An example would be: “Would you rather be an astronaut or a basketball player?” These questions focus on a few options that tend to be radically different from one another, although there are some more general questions as well. 


Let’s consider the previous “Would you rather” question and the implications it might have for you and your kid. If they choose to be a basketball player, perhaps they have an interest in the sport, athleticism, and a desire for fame. Likewise, it could also mean they might fear heights and advanced mathematics. On the opposite spectrum, choosing the astronaut career might mean your child is scientifically curious and has a desire to explore the world. Similarly, they might have no desire to be on television. Of course, these are only some possibilities; you still need to prod your child with more questions to discover their true self.


The following are some “Would you rather” questions you can try to ask your kids (interpret the answers accordingly):


  • Would you rather eat ice cream or pizza?
  • Would you rather live in medieval times or a future era?
  • Would you rather have a million dollars or become president of the United States?
  • Would you rather go camping or see a movie?
  • Would you rather see a fireworks show or go to the zoo?
  • Would you rather be Superman or Batman?
  • Would you rather have blue or pink hair?
  • Would you rather have a vacation in Paris, France, or Tokyo, Japan?
  • Would you rather own a cat or a dog?
  • Would you rather dance or sing at the party?
  • Would you rather play video games or watch your favorite sports team on TV?
  • Would you rather eat watermelon or drink a watermelon smoothie?
  • Would you rather draw or sculpt?
  • Would you rather possess the power to fly or the power of invisibility?
  • Would you rather become super strong or super smart?


Trivia Questions For Kids


Trivia questions are simple and straightforward. As their name implies, you simply ask your child a question that isn’t necessarily personal. An example would be, “Who was the first president of the United States?” The answer would be “George Washington.”


Trivia questions are meant to test your kid’s intellect (as well for seeing if they pay attention to classes and TV shows). Generally, it would be best if you asked them questions they would honestly be interested in answering. For example, if your child doesn’t know cricket as a sport, then asking them, “Who has the highest batting average in cricket as of right now?” wouldn’t be a particularly fun activity. They won’t know who Donald Bradman is, and they’ll be more confused than anything else.


Instead, some of these more general trivia questions may appeal to you and your child’s desires. Of course, you are always free to make your own more specialized trivia questions for a better bonding experience. Either way, these questions should inspire you:


  • What is the fastest animal on land? (Cheetah at 50-80 mph)
  • What is the fastest animal in the air? (Peregrine Falcon at 240 mph)
  • Who is the superhero weak to Kryptonite? (Superman)
  • What does RGB stand for in color theory? (Red, Green, Blue)
  • What is the planet closest to the sun? (Mercury)
  • Which country did the Olympics originate in? (Greece)
  • What game in the 2014 FIFA World Cup had an infamous yet surprising score of 7-1? (Germany vs. Brazil)
  • Who is Spongebob’s closest neighbor? (Squidward Tentacles)
  • Which movie had the famous song “Let It Go” in it? (Frozen)
  • What is the global system of networks that you use when you browse a website, regardless of which website it is? (The Internet)


Never Have I Ever Questions For Kids


“Never Have I Ever” questions are quite simple: first, you ask your child a statement such as, “Never Have I Ever double dipped my chips in a sauce.” 

Second, you perform an action relevant to the game you’re playing with your kids. There are two things regarding “Never Have I Ever” questions that tend to throw off adults. First, these types of questions are more like a statement than a true question. Second, you typically don’t just say statements to your kids; you need to put stakes in the game to make it interesting.


You can make any kind of game incorporate this general idea. If you’re looking for a baseline to start with, the following game idea may help inspire you. First, you start with a snack bowl of some kind. Some people may prefer candy; others may prefer something more refined. Either way, it has to be something you and your kids enjoy eating.


Once you decide which food to start with, you need to allocate a dozen or so pieces to each “player” participating in this series of “Never Have I Ever” questions. Then, you need to decide who starts first and what is the following turn order. Afterward, that player makes one of the “Never Have I Ever” statements. It can be from a series of cards or something else. If somebody has done the action in the statement, then they can eat one of their snacks. The player with the most snacks by the end wins and can get an extra serving or something else that may be more enticing.


The following are some good example “Never Have I Ever” statements for you and your kids:


  • Never have I ever eaten somebody else’s food that they already started to eat.
  • Never have I ever cheated on a test.
  • Never have I ever eaten something off of the floor.
  • Never have I ever slept past my bedtime.
  • Never have I ever written a letter to Santa.
  • Never have I ever peeked at my Christmas presents beforehand.
  • Never have I ever taken a friend’s sweater home with me.
  • Never have I ever forgotten to do my homework.
  • Never have I ever skipped school with a bogus excuse.
  • Never have I ever played hide and seek before.


Get to Know You Questions For Kids


These types of questions are the most common ones you ask your children on a day-to-day basis. Questions such as “What is your favorite color?” or “Where is your dream vacation?” are prime examples of a “Get to Know You” type of question. When you’re trying to get to know your children more, these questions can help you understand their motivations and aspirations.


As this archetype is one of the most intuitive ones on this list, it should be obvious enough to good parents why you should ask your kids these questions. Not only does it help establish a more positive relationship between the two parties, but it can also help you buy more relevant items and services for your beloved kids.


Some good starting examples of “Get to Know You” questions include:


  • What do you want to be when you grow up?
  • Who is your hero?
  • Where do you want to live?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • Do you have a secret nickname, and if so, what is it?
  • Do you have a collection of some kind?
  • What is your spirit animal?
  • Is there something you never want to do again?
  • What is your favorite hobby?
  • What’s the funniest joke you heard?


True or False Questions for Kids

Sometimes, you don’t have too much time to devote to a large game or simply wish to combine a quick set of questions with another one for fun. Either way, that’s why “True or False” questions are so popular! Your kid has a 50/50 chance of getting it right, and children love winning! By comparison, a “True or False” question can be analyzed and answered by your kid more quickly than if asked questions from the other categories.


Even if your kid doesn’t know the correct answer, some of these questions may surprise them! If you intend to have fun and mess around with some minor questions, the “True or False” type of questions are best suited for your needs. It’s simple, it’s quick, and it’s a blast for the whole family!


Some good starting questions for the “True or False” category include:


  • Abraham Lincoln did not have a middle name in his lifetime. (True)
  • The moon is wider than the width of Australia. (False)
  • Snow White is the first Disney princess. (True)
  • Spiders are insects. (False)
  • Sea horses have a stomach. (False)
  • Australia lost a war against emus in the Emu War. (True)
  • Fish, generally, do not have the ability to blink. (True)
  • A square is always a rectangle, but a rectangle isn’t always a square. (True)
  • Queen Elizabeth was a mechanic before she was a queen. (True)
  • Broccoli was never banned from the White House. (False)


Ice Breaker Questions for Kids


When somebody asks a question meant to “break the ice,” they’re generally trying to lighten the mood and try to find out more from the person they’re asking the question toward. It can be highly similar to a “Get to Know You” question, except it’s usually not as relevant or important to a person’s overall future. 


“Ice Breaker” questions are typically used to lead-in for more serious questions, like the “Get to Know You” type of questions. It can also be used to recover from an awkward situation. Suppose you fail in asking this type of question. In that case, it can create an even more uncomfortable situation, so try to alleviate the situation with an “Ice Breaker” your kids will respond to positively.


These standard examples are general, yet they fulfill their purpose in leading your child to a more interesting conversation:


  • If you had the power of invisibility, what would you do with it?
  • Do you like cooking a certain type of meal?
  • What sounds more fun: going to Disneyland or seeing a football show live?
  • Have you met a celebrity before?
  • Are you reading anything interesting lately?
  • What is your favorite app?
  • Have you played Marco Polo before?
  • If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be?
  • Have you ever ridden a limousine before?
  • Do you like your phone?


Truth or Dare Questions For Kids


Most people have played Truth or Dare at some point in their life. It’s a simple game; you are given two options, which are “Truth” or “Dare.” If you select “Truth,” then you need to answer a question somebody asks you honestly. If you choose “Dare,” then you need to perform an action they dare you to do.


Of course, you should always establish rules before participating in it, especially with your kids. Remember to keep it appropriate, but not boring! It’s often done with spinning a bottle, but you can incorporate your own rules to spice things up.


Some good, clean questions to ask your kids include:


  • Do you lie to get more rewards? (Truth)
  • Give [person] a piggyback ride. (Dare)
  • Do you believe in ghosts? (Truth)
  • Text somebody with just your elbow. (Dare)
  • What sounds more fun, a pet, or a sibling? (Truth)
  • Do your best [your favorite celebrity] impersonation. (Dare)
  • Have you cheated in a game before for fun? (Truth)
  • Change your accent for your next two turns. (Dare)
  • Who is your favorite family member? (Truth)
  • Do your best dance. (Dare)


Make Sure The Questions Are Fun


Above all else, you should try to have fun with your children. Remember to diversify your questions (you don’t want to ask them the same ones each time)! If you ask them interesting questions, you might find out stuff about your kids you never knew before! It’s a simple bonding exercise, but it’s surprisingly easy to implement with other fun activities (TV time, gaming, etc.).